
For Information on Department Arkansas Legion College click HERE for Information and Application

We are Developing Video Training Sessions of our Training Modules.  It is still under Construction but can be found on our YouTube Department Arkansas Page by this Link

Department and National Training Page
Welcome to
The American Legion
Department of Arkansas

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"Still Serving America"

P.O. Box 3280 -- 7th & Victory Street Little Rock, AR 72203
Toll Free/Mobil Link: 1-877-243-9799
501-375-1104 -- Fax: 501-375-4236
For God and Country
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Current Department of Arkansas
Membership Report
This Page area is for both Department and National Training resources.  Take advantage of the ability to learn more about The American Legion

AKEI Basic Training


The last Tuesday of each month, American Legion National Headquarters staff will present
60 to 90-minute sessions on topics aimed at post commanders and adjutants.
Each session will be recorded and made available for later viewing.

Join live event at:

Arkansas American Legion College
American Legion Basic Training (ALEI)
District Commander Training Video
Video On Conducting a Post Trial
There will be a day of Training at the Post 17 Paragould post on March 8th Beginning at 11AM followed by the District Meeting at 3PM..  You can CLICK HERE to see the flyer with more information including the classes etc.  
Department Training Videos