Foundation for the Future

Members of the American Legion have a tradition of "building a foundation" for the future. Whether done through active combat during wartime or through supporting youth development programs during times of peace, our commitment has always been to build a strong foundation for future generations.

The American Legion Foundation of Arkansas has been established to help us continue that commitment. Governed by an independent Board of Directors, the Foundation is organized to meet the highest professional, legal, accounting and regulatory standards. Its investment policy stresses minimizing investment risk while maximizing returns.

Our Mission

Over the years, local Legionnaires have invested thousands of dollars and volunteer hours into our communities and statewide programs. Our mission is to assist Legion members, their Post and their Department in fulfilling their commitments and responsibilities.

The Foundation's purpose is to help support and administer Legion programs. The support will come from the interest earned through the wise investment of Foundation funds.

Arkansas Boys & Girls State and American Legion Baseball are just two ways we are building strong foundations through our Youth.


  • Rehabilitation: Restoring Veteran's health and usefulness to society.
  • Patriotism Education for Children & Youth.
  • The American Legion Baseball Program.
  • The American Legion Boys' State Program.
  • Scholarships.
  • Oratorical Contest: Speech topic is the United States Constitution.
  • Children & Youth Programs: Addressing problem areas facing youth including drug abuse prevention and teenage suicide prevention.
  • Coudret Trust Endowment: A trust fund established to preserve the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children and to provide scholarships.
  • The Department Disaster Relief Fund
  • The Department Building Fund
  • Support of Scouting - Boys & Girls
  • Honor Guards for Veterans' Funerals

May I Choose Which Program I Wish to Support?

Yes! As a Foundation contributor, you may designate your gift as a "restricted" or "non-restricted" gift. You may restrict our gift to one or more specific outreach programs by writing their names in the space provided on the form. You may, instead, choose for your gift to be non-restricted. That way your contribution will be used where most needed.

 How Can I Help?

There are many ways you can make a lasting contribution to the American Legion Foundation of Arkansas. Research shows that the number one reason that individuals do not give to a specific cause is because they are not asked to give. Please consider this your personal invitation to contribute to the Foundation.

Cash & Investments: When making a contribution, people most often think of cash or checks. In addition to or instead of cash, stocks, bonds or other assets can be donated. These kinds of gifts provide tax advantages to you while also benefiting the Foundation.

Charitable Remainder Trust and Life Insurance Policies: These gifts allow you to make future gifts to the Foundation and still provide tax benefits to your heirs.

Foundation Donor Recognition: Each Foundation Donor will receive appropriate recognition and a timely acknowledgement of appreciation for their contribution. The names of Foundation Contributors will be confidentially maintained. Those who give to the Foundation prior to July 15, 1999 will be accorded the additional honor of being designated a "Charter" Contributor.

Bequests: Including the Foundation in your will is another way to ensure the continued growth of the fund. These types of gifts allow you to make a lasting contribution with resources other than your checking and savings accounts.

For more information, please contact:
The American Legion Foundation of Arkansas
Department of Arkansas
702 S. Victory St.
P.O. Box 3280
Little Rock, AR 72203-3280
or call
1-877-243-9799 (toll free)
Fax 501-375-4236
American Legion Arkansas Foundation

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The American Legion
Department of Arkansas

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"Still Serving America"
P.O. Box 3280 -- 7th & Victory Street Little Rock, AR 72203
Toll Free/Mobil Link: 1-877-243-9799
501-375-1104 -- Fax: 501-375-4236
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